Our Approach
Our approach is based in community-building and collaboration with clients, making our projects inclusive and transparent endeavors. We pride ourselves on how we inclusively and transparently deliver our projects. Our clients appreciate this approach that provides long lasting and transformative benefits to all stakeholders involved.
Local Partnerships
Our friendly and dynamic team works with dedicated people who contribute to the success of our students. Together, we work to collect multifaceted data. From there, we help local groups build the independent capacity to manage the data collection and analysis frameworks we've designed.
Our Expertise
Our team holds expertise across an array of education research and evaluation methodologies.
Culturally Responsive Interviewing
Creating an atmosphere of respect, humility, and cultural awareness as we collect qualitative data from participants to uplift their voices in research findings.
Recruitment of Study Participants
Using our unique capacity to set up an approach to research that creates a win-win for both study participants and researchers.
Lottery Studies
Employing the most rigorous method possible in research to ensure casual claims can be made about a program’s impact.
Observations Using Standardized Instruments
Systematically assessing and comparing what is happening at the classroom level with CLASS observations.
Mixed Methods Research
Ensuring quantitative data are accompanied by qualitative data from participant voice and illustrative examples that bring findings more meaning.
Mimicking a lottery study (with caveats) when a lottery study is not feasible and/or advisable.
Child Assessments Using Standardized Instruments
Measuring student performance in various domains such as language, math, and executive function skills.
Implementation Research
Helping clients understand fidelity to their model as well as important facilitators and barriers to quality implementation.
Descriptive Studies
Assessing program quality to understand what is happening, compare subgroups, often identifying and unpacking issues of equity of access and/or outcomes.
We train others in assessments in English and Spanish to objectively learn what skills students have mastered and where they have growth opportunities:
Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Academic Achievement

Woodcock-Muñoz Language Survey
Expressive One-Word Vocabulary Test
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
MN Executive Function Scale
Preschool Language Scales
Our Experience
Our team has research and evaluation experience in both the K-12 education and the early education and care realms.
Early Education & Care
K-12 Education
➕ Maternal and child health
➕ Data collection and training
➕ Child assessments
➕ Charter schools
➕ Career pathways programs
➕ Community schools
➕ Personalized learning programs
➕ Equitable school performance frameworks
➕ Dual language schools
➕ Student social-emotional well-being
➕ Teacher equity mindsets
➕ Survey and instrument design
➕ Rural settings
➕ Classroom observation

Transforming Education with Expertise
MC² Education LLC is a leader in education research and program evaluation working with schools, agencies, and nonprofits to create data-driven solutions. With decades of experience, we’re dedicated to supporting education systems that foster student achievement and institutional growth.